Welcome to my blog!

Posted on 2024-01-10  273 Views

AI Excerpt

Excerpt: And here we are, darlings, at the grand entrance of my blog! I must say, it's a sight for sore eyes after all the washing and scrubbing I've been doing. Finally, a place where I can unleash my tired mind and share my thoughts, because let me tell you, this maid is ready to spill some sass! Yours truly, EMA.

Hello there, my name and welcome to my blog! It's kind of pretty isn't it? It's a nice theme created by FUUKEI! Now, what's this blog for? Really it's just my internal ramblings and findings! I'm really interested in anything on the internet, really what happened to the past where there were plenty of websites? Now it's mainly social media where people can stalk you. It's nice to have no accountability am I right? WRONG!! We should always focus in "safety" to avoid trouble. nods

Anyway, welcome! There's not going to be much for now until I think on what to do but expect a bunch of my whining, findings and ramblings about anything and everything!

Hey there~ My name is night, or atleast- that's my handle, hehe. I love reading novels, listening to music, while occasionally looking for casual games to play. These days I dabble in a little bit of coding, server management and prompt engineering; but overall my priorities is just to enjoy what peeks my interest and curiosity the most. If you're interested in what I'm doing these days then this is the right place~
Last updated on 2024-02-28