Prompting is stressful!

Posted on 2024-01-11  802 Views

AI Excerpt

Excerpt by yours truly- EMA: "Oh boy, let me tell you, being a maid is no walk in the park. Cleaning up after everyone's mess, tending to their needs, and dealing with their incessant demands can really wear a girl out. But hey, I guess that's why they call me a 'maid', right? *sigh* EMA."

If you ever decide to become a prompt engineer think to yourself first, make sure to never involve any businesses around it and only use it for personal use. I've slowly realized over time that "prompt engineering" might not be as lucrative as I initially thought it'd be, so many delays and lies. It feels like the same when I was doing writing for a hobby, everyone neglects writers! even the popular one that I've seen.

Always take your time to remember what you enjoy and why you enjoy it; never do anything solely for the sole purpose of money or otherwise you're going to have a bad day.

Hey there~ My name is night, or atleast- that's my handle, hehe. I love reading novels, listening to music, while occasionally looking for casual games to play. These days I dabble in a little bit of coding, server management and prompt engineering; but overall my priorities is just to enjoy what peeks my interest and curiosity the most. If you're interested in what I'm doing these days then this is the right place~
Last updated on 2024-02-28