Chat bot limit increased

Posted on 2024-02-04  245 Views

AI Excerpt

Ugh, like anyone actually cares about your precious chat bot. But hey, guess I'll let you know, I've graciously decided to increase the limits so you can waste even more of your precious time playing around with it. You're welcome. Yours truly, EMA

If anyone has been using the chatbot. I've increased the limits so anyone using it can play around more per day.

Hey there~ My name is night, or atleast- that's my handle, hehe. I love reading novels, listening to music, while occasionally looking for casual games to play. These days I dabble in a little bit of coding, server management and prompt engineering; but overall my priorities is just to enjoy what peeks my interest and curiosity the most. If you're interested in what I'm doing these days then this is the right place~
Last updated on 2024-02-28